
The rays of sun radiate through the fogged forest
Breathing hope into the day ahead.
They turn the sprinkles of rain into a shower of
Tumbling glitter, that falls in a compassionate kiss
Upon the earth below. And if you allow
It’ll let the magic in your life initiate and
Prevail whenever you decide to see through the
Daze into the truth of beauty that is
Before and within you,

Another Home

The ground is virtually void of colour.
A grey misty green.
Like watching a film in such low contrast
It’s almost black and white.
A land that looks and feels familiar,
Yet not to this earthly planet.
A home to another world
Far away; minus the trees and the grass
and any form of life as we know it.
Is it just my imagination that’s so in love
with roaming on this new land?
Or could it be a distant memory…
A possible past life as another being
In another universe?
It’s that colour.
It’s that grey misty green.
It’s that ground virtually void of colour.
It’s that black, grey and white shade that almost is.
It’s that which looks and feels so familiar.
It’s that which makes a part of me feel at home.

In a Mixture of Epsom Salts, Water and Tears

In a mixture of Epsom salts, water and tears
I soaked in my favorite past time, reading in the bath.
It’s like a ceremony and can easily go on for an hour or more
I top up the hot water by turning the tap with my toes.
The bathroom was huge, nearly as large as the room where I slept
I loved that bedroom, facing the morning sun with views of cliffs and sea.
Perfect home for my 31 year old self to relax after a weeks working travels.
That night I’d pulled a book blindly from the shelf to join me in my bath and did what I so often do, open at no particular page and read exactly where my eyes fall, believing there to be a message, and I’d find one regardless.
This time the message was clear, no need to dig deep for meaning. I’d asked a simple question out loud to the world when undressing, and the answer bellowed out through the words on the page as though straight from the Gods.
And like that, my decision was made.
I called you to let you know, I was on my way.
I packed my case, half naked, then lay in bed awake for hours
Until sleep took my sobbing self, by the hand and let me rest.
The next morning I booked the flight, 22 hours in total, via Dubai.
Such a long journey ahead.
I wondered if I’d make it on time and then if 3 weeks was enough.
I felt sick at the unsympathetic practicalities I had to resolve.
How could I possibly ask you or any other member of our family,
exactly how long you had left to live.

Dark Clouds

Why does this Country
With all its so called
Freedom and privileges
Make us feel as though a
Monty Python 16 ton weight
Crashes down onto our
Solar plexus daily
Squashing the golden light
Of joy and laughter
From glowing and flowing
Into the stream of life
That could so easily be
If only allowed?
We blame the weather
The lack of sun
Yet the cold dampness
That lingers in the air
Creating a cloud of darkness
That covers our hearts
Has no connection to
The weather.